Blogger Mentions

Oh yes… WE love it if a blogger talks about our books. If you’re a blogger, you’ll earn yourself a mention of your blog site if you write an article about one of our books. Just email us the blog link of your post. We’ll go check it out. Once we’ve verified the post it will list here. Please note the following rules:

  1. The blog post must be public and active for it to be included on this page. We’ll create a direct link to the post, and we’re using external tracking to alert us of inactive links or deleted posts. If the post is deleted, we’ll remove the link here.
  2. A link is not any form of endorsement of your blog or you as a blogger.
  3. Don’t embarrass yourself to ask for financial compensation for the blog post, including asking for “a free book” … Books COST MONEY to produce, and if you want a book I encourage you to ask your local library to order it in (and this will keep them active and relevant) and you also show support for libraries as we do. Also, you would help other readers DISCOVER our books. We earn an income if a library orders our books in AND we earn a so-called ‘reading fee’ from each time it’s borrowed. You could even promote the library independently from the mention about us and help them get more patrons that way.
  4. Illegally obtained copies of our e-books is not permitted nor wanted. If you obtained your “copy” of any of our books in such a way we won’t include your blog post.
  5. All links stay up for a maximum of two years from the date of submission.

Coming in the near future…

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