Book Bundles

The pricing shows the price for the e-Book edition of each published Book Bundle which is the only format they come in, and which distributed to store via our distributors at Draft2Digital. Each Bundle has a product page for the editions available, and are usually produced for our series.

WOK 1-3 is the first three books of The Wolf Riders of Keldarra by Nathalie M.L. Römer

The Wolf Riders of Keldarra
Books 1 – 3


Visit Title Page
RRP $11.99
WOK 1-3 is the middle three books of The Wolf Riders of Keldarra by Nathalie M.L. Römer

The Wolf Riders of Keldarra
Books 4 – 6


Visit Title Page
RRP $11.99

The Wolf Riders of Keldarra
Books 7 – 9

Not Yet Available

Visit Title Page
RRP $11.99

We have more Book Bundles on the horizon. Just keep checking back. As they’re created from individual books you might want us to publish those first…

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